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About Us

ARC Publications is an internationally peer reviewed, open access, online publishing organization that publishes journals and books. We also participate in organizing scientific conferences globally and conference specific publishing. Our publishing group distributes the global scientific data all over globe by covering European, Western and Asian nations. Furnishing itself with, savvy and experienced academicians in all subjects that not at all like each other covering the Sciences, Medicine, Engineering and Technology, Bio-sciences, English language and literature, Managerial studies, Social sciences, Humanities, Arts etc.

What makes us novel?

Our every international Journal on each discipline is governed by outstandingly expertise and dexterous Editorial Board members.

Our mission statement at ARC:

Intellectualize the global scientific society through advancement and innovation.

The targets that we have secured for ourselves:

  1. ARC Scholarly Journals will completely hold fast to standard peer review process.
  2. Each and every manuscript will be subjected to quality peer-reviewing prior to publication and preceding production.
  3. Participate in removing barriers to online research publishing which will greatly aid to the progress of disseminating scientific information from different disciplines.
  4. We will reliably channel the scientific data that comes to us by checking that important information is always be given priority over the data that may not be benefit the academic scientific world.

Keeping the rising needs of the students and academicians at the post graduation level, analysts at the Ph.D level, educators, instructors, professors and regularly developing prerequisites of exploration researchers in perspective, ARC always tries to welcome papers in every one of the subjects for distributed in its worldwide Journals in the wake of fitting examination and compelling review. ARC Publications appropriates the progression and development in all subjects of the insightful world. ARC Publications also is the worldwide stage for conferences and seminars, symposia and workshops for specialists and learners on one hand and Academicians and smart characters of overall refinement and brightness on the other.